Technical Information:
LRGB: I took 30 images through each of clear, red, green and blue filters. Each clea-filtered exposure was .11 seconds; each red and green was .2 seconds; and each blue was .32 seconds. All images were unbinned.
Equipment: 10" LX200 at f/12, and an SBIG ST-7E camera/CFW-8 color filter wheel.
Image Acquisition/Camera Control: CCDSoft V5.
Processing: No calibration performed; images aligned in AIP4WIN. Images average combined in Ray Gralak's sigma reject program. Five iterations of Richardson-Lucy applied in AIP4WIN. Unsharp mask performed in Photoshop 6. Color combine, adjustment of curves, brightness and contrast performed in Photoshop 6.0. Finally, the image was bicubically resized to a bit over three times its original linear dimensions in Photoshop, another unsharp mask was performed, and then the image was bicubically resized to slightly more than twice its original linear dimensions.
Location: My yard in Redmond, Washington, elevation 500'.
Date: All images taken during the night of 2/6/03.
CCD Temperature: -30C
Moon Phase: Day 5; waxing crescent