Sun: Our sun has a mean distance from earth of about 93,000,000 miles, and a diameter of about 864,000 miles (a little more than a hundred times that of Earth).
The sun is a very active body, changing noticeably by the hour. At the time of this photo, there were very few prominences visible, and they were all small.
Technical Information:
This is processed from a stack of 1039 images, taken at 25 fps.
Equipment: Coronado SolarMax II 90 Double Stacked hydrogen alpha solar scope, with a BF30 blocking filter; images acquired with a Point Grey Research Grasshopper3 6mp CCD monochrome video camera (GS3-U3-60QS6M-C).
Image Acquisition/Camera Control: FireCapture
Processing: No calibration performed. Images stacked in AutoStakkert! 2, sharpened in Registax 6, and further massaged in Photoshop CS5
Location: Redmond, Washington, USA
Date: Data acquired 19:34UTC, 29 July, 2015; image posted July 29, 2015
Copyright Mark de Regt, 2015