Veil Nebula
Supernova Remnant in Cygnus


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IC5070: This is the eastern part of an extended remnant of a supernova which appeared in our skies perhaps 15,000 years ago, visually located within the constellation Cygnus. It is estimated to be about 2,500 light years away.


Technical Information:

(HA)RGB: 160:60:60:60 (Luminance layer consisted of 8 twenty-minute images through an Astrodon hydrogen alpha filter, blended slightly with a combined image taken though a red Astrodon filter; R, G and B comprised of 3 twenty-minute images; R image was blended with the HA image to form the Red channel). All images unbinned.

Equipment: Takahashi Sky90 II at f/4.5 using a Takahashi flattener/reducer, riding on a tripod-mounted Meade LXD 650 mount, with an SBIG ST-8XE camera/CFW-8 color filter wheel equipped with a full set of Astrodon filters.

Image Acquisition/Camera Control: CCDSoft V5.

Processing: All images calibrated (darks and dawn flats) and registered in CCDSoft. Blooms removed using the NewAstro debloomer. Images average combined in Ray Gralak's sigma reject program. Richardson-Lucy deconvolution applied in AIP4WIN. Iterative applications of curves and levels in Photoshop 6.0, followed by unsharp mask in Photoshop. Color combine performed in Photoshop 6.0.

Location: My yard in Redmond, Washington, elevation 500'.

Date: All images taken during the night of August 2, 2004.

CCD Temperature: -20C

Image Scale: 4.47 arcseconds per pixel

Moon Phase: Two days after full moon

Copyright 2004 Mark de Regt